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A high-impact professionalization trajectory for UTN (and PXL)-lecturers to promote educational inclusion while respecting 'cultural identity’

Within the collaboration between UTN and PXL, since 2017, both HE&Sis focus on their role as a ‘Driver of Change’. The overall and ‘shared’ need to professionalize UTN and PXL-lecturers by enhancing their intercultural competences (IC), in order to strengthen social identity of their learners, is a common objective to create future Agents of Change. This project aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote (lifelong) learning opportunities for all. Moreover, UTN and PXL attract a rich ethnic-culturally diverse group of students and face common challenges to raise diversity awareness. Both actors aim to create a broaden framework of gender, environmental issues, human rights and overall global sustainability challenges. We strongly believe, through previous projects and experience between UTN and PXL, we can co-create, share and mobilize knowledge and expertise on this topic in order to create meaningful inclusion. By (re-)designing culturally relevant educational practices, curricula will be innovated and are a response to the current network-based, multicultural societies of the 21st century.


Project informatie

Dorien Jansen
Lopend project
IWETO code:
  • Code nog in te vullen.
Startdatum – einddatum:
15/09/2022 - 15/09/2024
PXL: € 30.008,13
0,20 VTE

Anniek Oreye