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Academic calendar

Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Academic Calendar 2023-2024

Official public holidays

New Year’s Day (Nieuwjaar)

1st January

Easter Monday (Paasmaandag)

First Monday after Easter

Labour Day (Dag van de Arbeid)

1st May

Ascension Day (Onze Lieve Heer Hemelvaart)

6th Thursday after Easter

Pentecost Monday (Pinkstermaandag)

8th Monday after Easter

National Holiday (Nationale feestdag)

21st July

Assumption of Mary (Onze-Lieve-Vrouw Hemelvaart)

15th August

All Saints (Allerheiligen)

1st November

Armistice Day (Wapenstilstand)

11th November

Christmas Day (Kerstmis)

25th December